Delivery trends in 2019 … and beyond

21 December 2018
Delivery trends in 2019 … and beyond
We’ve come a long way
from manually checking off deliveries against a hand-written list or an Excel
spreadsheet, and the logistics sector is all the better for it. Modern
technology has greatly simplified overseeing deliveries to consumers, enabling continuous
visibility and optimised efficiency from warehouse to final destination.
Electronic proof of
delivery (EPOD) is continuing to evolve as consumers become ever-more demanding
and businesses continually up their service provision in order to stay
competitive. Here’s what we expect to see in the industry over the next few
No let up to demanding consumer

This probably won’t
constitute news for any business that delivers to its customers, but the
ever-increasing pressure of recent years to provide a quicker, more flexible,
yet cheaper delivery service is only set to intensify further. Delivery has
become a big deciding factor for consumers spoilt for retail choice; in fact, a
huge 94
per cent of the British public are more likely to shop online for something
they need if free delivery is part of the deal. Likewise, nearly
67 per cent of consumers will abandon an online purchase altogether if they
deem delivery costs to be too high.
To keep up, any
business that can afford to offer free delivery really ought to, or should consider
experimenting with conditional free shipping options in order to find a balance
between covering costs and satisfying customers. Delivery subscription services
– such as that offered by Amazon Prime – and for which consumers pay a monthly
or annual fee for unlimited delivery, are likely to rise in popularity too.
What’s more, it may
have started with Amazon, but moving forward, we’re predicting that more and
more businesses will start to offer same day delivery. It may seem like somewhat
of an impossibility, but with the ability to view complete end-to-end,
real-time operational performance enabling smooth fulfilment processes at every
stage, same day delivery not only becomes achievable, but simply a matter of
More emphasis on ‘last mile’ delivery
Part of this race to
meet and exceed customer expectations, ‘last mile’ delivery – or the final
stage of an item’s journey from transportation hub to delivery destination – is
where more and more customers than ever will be won or lost. After all, it’s
the only part of the process they are really aware of so, regardless of
anything else a business has done to get the goods where they need to be, this
is where a delivery service really has to stand up to scrutiny.
Technology will be on
hand to help businesses transform their last mile services, with drones and
autonomous ‘self-driving’ cars both tipped to play a part in the delivery processes
of the future. But, long before innovations like these become part of the
logistical landscape, businesses should ensure they are set up to provide an
agile, transparent last mile service for their customers, one that allows them
to track their goods all the way to their doors.
More end-to-end logistical visibility
Data, and its power to
propel business progression, has been at the forefront of most industries for
several years, including logistics. Firms are starting to harness the
actionable insights that business data contains, gathering and
cross-referencing recorded data from previously separate systems (such as route
planning tools and job scheduling software) to reveal areas ripe for
This kind of data
intelligence is only possible when these systems are linked though, so delivery
businesses will continue to benefit from multi-software integration and a
holistic view of the whole logistics process.
When management systems
communicate with each other, or work together as part of a wider logistics
optimisation software solution, businesses can not only seize on the
pooled data, but capitalise on greater, real-time visibility as goods move from
one trackable step to the next.
If your business has
yet to realise the potential of an intuitive, integrated EPOD system, there’s
much that it can help you achieve right now, let alone in the future. Get in touch with
us to find out more about what we can help you achieve.