Is your vehicle compliant?

13 February 2017
Delivery drivers typically drive some of the largest
vehicles on our roads and as such they have a higher level of responsibility
when it comes to vehicle safety.
HGV drivers are required, by law, to undertake a daily
walk-around check of their vehicle before they begin their shift and use the
vehicle. The comprehensive check needs to be recorded to show it has been
carried out and traditionally this has been a time-consuming and paperwork
heavy task. However, digital technology developments are now making this task a
lot easier.
What checks need to be carried out?
The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) requires all
HGV users to carry out the following checks before driving their vehicles:
Ensure that the front windscreen view is clear and unobstructed ·
Check the steering and brakes are both working perfectly ·
Ensure the horn works ·
Make sure that there is no excessive engine exhaust smoke present ·
Clean and check the windscreen wipers and ensure there is sufficient screen wash.
Make sure all mirrors and windows are clean and visibility is perfect ·
Turn on and check that the warning lamp, headlights and indicators all work ·
Look under the vehicle and ensure that no fuel or oil leaks are evident ·
Check the coupling security, the condition and security of the battery and the electric connections ·
Look at the body and wings of the vehicle and ensure there is no damage ·
Make sure your mud flaps are in place ·
Check tyre inflation levels and that each wheel’s fixings are secure ·
Ensure markers and reflectors are in place, undamaged and clean ·
Make sure your number plate can be seen ·
Check the security of the load and ensure that no-one has entered the vehicle
How the EPOD application can help
Our Electronic Proof of Delivery application not only makes
recording the delivery of goods much simpler, it also includes highly effective
vehicle inspection software to ensure these checks are carried out correctly.
Here are some of the main advantages you’ll see when using this software:
Increased efficiency
- The EPOD app allows for the checks to be digitally recorded so drivers no
longer have to worry about excessive amounts of paperwork in the cab. The issue
of damaged paperwork or illegible handwriting is also a thing of the past.
Checks are stored -
In the event of a driver being stopped for a roadside check the application can
produce a DVSA approved statement, showing when and where the daily walkaround
took place and if the vehicle was moved beforehand. Furthermore, this data can
also be fed back to a back-office system in real-time, giving business owners peace
of mind that the required checks have taken place as the law dictates.
Speeds up the
resolution of problems - If the daily walk-around check flags an issue,
someone with authority to order replacement parts or get the vehicle scheduled
in for repairs can be notified immediately and action can be taken. The app
also allows drivers to take photos of any problems they encounter and again
they can be sent back so a visual diagnosis can be made.
Failure to comply with the DVSA requirements regarding daily
checks can lead to prosecution, penalty points for the driver and a fine. The
EPOD app can give an assurance that a comprehensive daily safety check has
taken place, giving security to the business and ensuring safety for everyone
on the roads.
To read more on our Vehicle Inspection App
please visit the following page