What can you achieve by going paperless?

13 September 2017
What can you achieve by going paperless?
Digital technologies have now infiltrated most industries,
and they’re drastically changing the way companies operate. Despite all the
benefits on offer and impressive results to show, however, so many still depend
on paper daily. Handwritten forms, printed invoices and scribbled signatures
might seem like the ‘done’ things, but there is a better way. Going paperless
can bring various rewards for logistics and delivery businesses – and not all
are obvious.
Eliminate loss and damage
However careful your staff are with their documents,
paperwork can always go missing. It’s also at risk of damage, especially in
harsh weather and dirty environments – moisture or fingerprints could make
information illegible, causing problems further down the line. By using an electronic
proof-of-delivery (EPOD) solution to record the relevant data on each job,
you eliminate both of these issues.
Details of each delivery job is captured by the driver’s
handheld device, which then sends a copy of the information back to base for
safe keeping. This not only means that it can be seen in real-time in the
office, but also that it can be recalled at any time by anyone with the
authorisation. There’s no risk of losing or
damaging your records.
Save time and money
Using paper means you need to account for the cost of paper, and while it might seem like the
cheap option to begin with, it will soon add up.
Firstly, you’ll need various prepared forms, all designed
specifically for their own purpose. Then you’ll need the storage space to keep
them all neatly and protected back at base – boxes, filing cabinets and even
dedicated rooms. In the future, you may even have to dispose of certain papers,
and that too can be costly if you’re to do it properly; professional shredding
services aren’t cheap.
Consider also the time it takes your drivers to handle
paperwork properly; they must find and store forms correctly during each job,
and then ensure all information is passed back to your office in good time.
Another member of staff will need to copy data across to your computer system
too – all of this puts a strain on your resources.
Increase sustainability
Although paper is recyclable, its manufacturing process is
often blamed for serious environmental issues like mass deforestation and
increases in greenhouse gas emissions. Removing it from your part of the supply
chain and relying instead on digital records is a great – and easy - way to
make a difference.
Sustainability is a big selling point for businesses these
days; recent
research shows that a third of consumers now prefer to buy from brands they
think are doing social or environmental good. So, as well as helping the
planet, you could impress potential customers by being open about your ethical
The right move to make
The trend for ‘going paperless’ has certainly picked up some
pace over the past few years, but this isn’t just another flash-in-the-pan idea
for businesses to consider – there really are some great benefits on offer. By
investing in the right EPOD solution, you too can save time, reduce costs,
eliminate errors and be more sustainable. To find out more about how we can
help you achieve all four and more, get
in touch with our experts today.